Space shuttle: reusable space vehicle
used for travel between a space station and Earth.
Rudder: part of the shuttle used for turning.
Manoeuvring engine: engine used to steer the shuttle.
Main engines: engines that enable the shuttle to enter and leave
Body flap: hinged movable shuttle panel.
Tank: part of the shuttle containing stored fuel.
Wing: lift plane of the shuttle.
Cargo-bay door: part of the shuttle that, when open, provides
access to the payload.
Orbital rendezvous light: light that announces a link-up if two
space vehicle.
Forward control thrusters: system that alters or stabilizes the
altitude of the shuttle.
Engine: the shuttle's system of locomotion.
Star tracker: system of positioning by the stars.
Living quarters and flight deck: part of the shuttle where astronauts
can work and pilot the shuttle without wearing spacesuits.
Special launch: system used to start the shuttle in an emergency.
Remote-control arm: system used to catch a satellite in need
of repair.
Elevons: shuttle systems that are used as ailerons and rudders.